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Cécile Bastien Remy
Jan 19, 20212 min read
Real Confidence: #5 - Breathe Confidence in, exhale Fear out.
Breathe Confidence in, exhale Fear out.
Or how to use your respiration to manage strong and negative emotions before a presentation
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Cécile Bastien Remy
Jan 19, 20212 min read
Real Confidence: #4 - Tell your Saboteur to shut up!
Heard of impostor syndrome?
That internal voice screaming that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. Here is a tool you c
Cécile Bastien Remy
Jan 18, 20212 min read
Real Confidence: #3 - Focus on "What IS" instead of "What IF".
When you panic before a presentation, here is what might happen:
You start to anticipate outcomes that have not yet happened.
Cécile Bastien Remy
Jan 18, 20212 min read
Real Confidence: #2 - Make your fear productive.
Imagine a 3,000 feet / 900 meters of sheer rock granite, and climbing with ropes, no security.
When presenting you may feel free-climbing a
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