#VUCA describes the #volatility, #uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the world after the Cold War. And now, the concept is gaining relevance to characterizing today’s environment. The Coronavirus is putting our life on hold.
Not knowing how long we have to stay put.
Not knowing what will happen with our job/business.
Not knowing how the world will be after, and if our loved ones will survive….
We need to be #Resilient.
You are resilient at your core if you choose to be.
I am not a Life coach nor trained in #Psychology. However, in 1993 I survived a tragic car crash at 21 years old. I lost a loved one. I lost half of my eyesight/hearing. I was disfigured and declared 45% #disabled. With that in mind; I feel I could share how I used Resilience when I felt my life was a VUCA case.
First, let’s define Resilience. Next, I would like to share how to put in place Resilience based on the process I shared via my #TEDxTalk. (Link to the video here)
What is Resilience?
Resilience is your capacity to bounce back from challenges. I do not like this definition because you never come back the same way after your ordeal. “Bounce Back” leads to going back to the same place. I prefer and truly believe in Bouncing Forward. What you face and how you overcome leads you to learn life lessons and make you grow.
I do not see Resilience as a cool, fashionable soft skill to have. I see it more as a survival process to everyday trauma - big and small.
How to start your Resilience Process?
Things are different. You may or may not be able to work from home. You may or may not have to deal with people face to face and being exposed to the virus. New situations and changes from the norm create frustration, fear, and anxiety.
Here is what you could do:
Step one to Resilience: Assess what you have, what is in your control and adapt.
Face the reality – without filter - and take your responsibilities to be part of the solution. Technology is great! Use it.
Here at Speak4Impact, we give training via Zoom to groups as big as 20! And private sessions via Zoom/Skype/FaceTime or WhatsApp – whatever works.
Doing Home office and being a Mum of two teenage girls, here is what I have observed:
If I am stressed, it is more likely we will have a clash
If I am dancing, there is a 100% chance that they will join the dance
If I am resilient, so will they.
Be aware that Emotions are contagious. Be a role model of Resilience.
I am a great believer that children can hear everything, as long as we can discuss about what has been seen or said.
I let my girls watched Swiss news. Now, they understand what we are facing and why the decisions on restrictions are being made around the world. However, how you react to the news will have an impact on how they process it emotionally.
Step two to Resilience: Focus on where you want to go.
Adapt and keep your eyes on the big picture. This pandemic will eventually end. Keep in mind your purpose, why you do what you do and who do you want to become.
In a VUCA world, replace:
Volatility, with Vision - Keep going towards your goals
Uncertainty with Understanding - Know what is at stake to make the right decisions
Complexity with Clarity - Only keep in mind what is important, concentrate on what you can do.
and Ambiguity with Agility - Adapt, test, change. Adapt, test, change and repeat...
The post office just brought a new Keynote building game. I know exactly what I will be spending some of my extra time doing what I love, learning more and getting ready for the months ahead. Next, I will upgrade my Wifi bandwidth and reorganize my working space...
I describe the process of Resilience as Bouncing Forward. Do not put a happy positive filter nor dark panicky ones. Keep doing what you love and adapt to what you have.
#bounceforward #tedxspeaker #impact #executivepresence #leadership #authentic #voice #beheard #strong #corporateevents #corporate #influencer #speak4impact #speaker #keynotespeaker
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